There are different ways to earn income. You can work on a job and trade your hours for pay. This is what most people do. Or you can create products and services that don't require you to be there to get paid and earn money.
Passive income with your blog something that a lot of online business owners want. The concept is really simple. You do the work once and you get paid for it over and over again in the future. Coming up with a really popular piece of writing and having ads that continue to pull income over time. Can you think of a service that can be provided over and over again without your active involvement?
When people are thinking about making money the first thought is usually to go and get a job. A job provides a steady paycheck but it might not get you where you want to go. Jobs usually have income limits. The job will usually tell you how much money you are going to make during the year. That is limited income. Sure if the amount the job pays is really high, you could manage your money and maybe make it to financial freedom but business is a completely different category.
Business doesn't have a cap on income. A home business owner could come up with something new and exciting that starts to sell really well. Unlimited income is possible with a business. You hear about it all the time. A kid decides to start a business from a dorm room and a few years later, the company is at the top of the business world.
Businesses can get other people to help them get sales. It is called affiliate marketing. They set up affiliate programs and pay a commission for sales generated. This is a great way for a business to pay just for performance. Who knows how many sales can be generated by affiliates? This could be considered a form of passive income. After the product is created, the affiliates do the hard lifting of making the sales.
Affiliate marketing works for the affiliate and the vendor. The vendor gets a new customer and the affiliate gets a commission on the sale. Business income is unlimited. You can make as much money as you want.