Dust off your writing skills and start using them to get some web traffic. Article marketing could be what you are looking for. What is article marketing? You are using articles to help get targeted traffic coming to your sites.
Anybody can do article marketing. You probably already have a home business website or a blog. Now you can use your writing skills by coming up with creative articles that people want. Information is powerful and if you are picking the right kind of information, it could lead to traffic. All you have to do is go on a few of the article directories and see that some people get tons of views for their articles.
Create a powerful headline. This is what gets people stop in their tracks in order to learn more about what you are offering. You could have a great article but if the headline is not up to par, then your article can sit online and go unnoticed. People are looking for how to information, they want tips that can help them achieve their goals. So think about using some of those numbered headlines like 5 ways to do x or 10 of the top signs to look out for x. Your headline is there to grab attention.
Write the body copy of your article and make it interesting. People online have a short attention span. If your copy is boring there is this thing called a back button on a browser that will get hit with the quickness. You need to keep your audience engaged by keeping the language colorful and to the point. There is nothing wrong with telling stories or creating vivid pictures to help them get a better picture of what you are trying to explain. The body of your article is the meat that the audience has been looking for.
After you have given the target audience parts of the main course, it is time to finish off the article. At the end of your article, you are going to want to include some information about yourself and a call to action. Would the audience benefit from getting more information from you? Let them know the reasons why and place a link back to your site.
Getting your articles posted in article directories can be a traffic generation method for your blog or website. The great thing about using the directories is that you don't have to spend any money. You will have to spend some time coming up with content but you never know what the return may be. All kinds of people are searching article directories for content. You want your articles to get picked up by ezine owners and web developers that have a large following.
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