The other day I was able to view a webinar that talked about generating a lot of web traffic. This is a topic that never goes out of style. People want more web traffic and they want to make money off that traffic. A home office website or blog is no different.
The main point of the webinar was about changing your position. Are you a one person business? If you are then, it all falls on your shoulders to get things done. You can only write so many blog posts and create so many articles for the article directories. This webinar talked about turning the tables and getting others to help you get traffic.
It talked about how to generate web traffic and it was interesting. The other point that was raised was that getting traffic in itself is not the issue. They gave an example of a website owner that was getting tons of web traffic but they were not making any sales. That would really piss just about anybody off. You go through all the trouble of getting traffic and then you don't have anything to show for it. Isn't that just as bad as not getting any traffic at all?
There was not much new that was learned during the webinar. Taking action was the big factor. The other big secret was about the role that you are playing. It was all about leverage. The solution was to start an affiliate program and get other affiliates to promote your own products and get traffic that way. It makes sense. Instead of trying to get traffic yourself, you let others generate traffic and sales for you and you pay them a commission.
Have you thought about using leverage to get web traffic?
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