The idea of working once and getting paid for it over and over again is appealing. How can you do something like this from your home office? One way to get paid over and over again is through using your writing. You can do the work of writing once and get paid every time someone buys your book or information product.
Writing tends to last a long time. Once you get your information product created, the focus has to turn to marketing the product. There are lots of information products to chose from, but yours might be just what your market is looking for. You cannot discount the way technology is changing the way that people get information. Smartphones and tablet computers are giving people a simple way to get information while they are mobile. Creating your own ebooks is a great way to tap into this emerging market.
The idea of recurring income can be exciting. What about other ways to get paid over and over again. Magazines have subscriptions but you still have to keep coming up with new content. In the digital world, you could create your own membership website. Membership websites operate just like magazines. You would need to create content around your topic and get people to pay monthly for access to your information. If you don't want to create all the content for yourself, you could always outsource some of the writing or use private label rights content.
Regular websites or blogs could be a passive income stream for your home office too. You could do keyword research and setup niche sites. Setting up simple sites with wordpress is easy. Make money with the sites through contextual and banner ads with services like google adsense, kontera, or chitika. Joining related affiliate programs with products that fit the niche is also a good idea. There are yearly costs that you will have to incur. Domain name registration fees and web hosting fees are two that you might have to pay if you are not using free blogging systems to host your sites.
Another idea to consider is building up your own email list. Email is not going away anytime soon. Sure people have smartphones and they like to do text messages, but chances are that you have an email account and you check it everyday. When you have an email list, you can load it up with information and let it send out information automatically. In addition to the information that you provide, it is also a great place to include affiliate promotions and advertisements for products and services. Again, you can think of the magazine model. When you open up a magazine, there is much more inside than just the articles. An email newsletter with an auto-responder can be another digital version of a magazine. They call this type of online magazine an ezine. Ezines are not totally hands off. You have to create content on a consistent basis and it could require the use of outside writers or private label products.
The idea of working one time and getting income over and over in the future is not new. You have to keep your eyes open and try new things.
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